The Main Problem Of The IT Industry

Everybody is talking about the same problem: there are not enough good programmers and even fewer average ones. Of course, we need many more specialists, but we will talk about it generally. In this blog post, we will try to analyze the reasons for the shortage of developers and discuss possible solutions.

Why are there not enough specialists?

Programming is hard because it can be done in lots of different ways. To be a programmer, you must understand how to solve problems and know multiple programming languages. You must also know about the project you are working on and the frameworks used.

The second problem is called brain drain. It means that people who work in the country can leave even if they still live there. They can do this by working remotely from somewhere else.

The third factor is the inefficient use of brains, for example:

  • a person with high potential do tasks that are primitive for him simply because the circumstances have developed;
  • there is no opportunity to participate in complex, interesting projects because all the places there are occupied by more active mediocrity;
  • too many disparate, often competing teams inventing the same “bicycle”, and each does not have sufficient capacity and breakthrough ideas.
  • non-productive areas such as forex, casinos, and bookmakers take personnel from the industry;
  • the industry direction is not sufficiently developed, and no full-fledged frameworks allow solving part of the tasks with no-code tools.

Ways to solve the problem of shortage of personnel

If you look at the problem more broadly, there are several more approaches to solving the problem besides the obvious ones. Let’s list everything:

  • Teach programming to more people. Of course, the greater availability of training materials and courses contributes to an increase in the number of workers in the industry. Still, there is a certain limited percentage of people with an innate inclination for this work. In addition, we remove potential specialists from other important industries by luring people into programmers.
  • Import programmers from other countries. It’s more of a demographic problem. First of all, we should work on not losing existing specialists.
  • Offload part of the work to non-programmers. It is necessary to create advanced modern frameworks and industry solutions in which routine actions are automated and can be performed by users without knowledge of programming languages. This direction has real prospects and will allow programmers to get more interesting work.
  • Building clusters. To increase the sector’s efficiency, it is necessary to create conditions where IT companies can better specialize, cooperate, and create chains of solutions rather than trying to do everything independently. To do this, several basic open technologies and services must be developed. Then, create a series of legal and judicial mechanisms to limit the pressure from monopolies and oligopolies and comply with the agreements on offers in the long term.
  • To crush illegal business by all means so that the cost of fraudulent schemes is high.